Adobe Photoshop PSD Codec for Windows 8.x Desktop, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP (all editions including 64-bit) - Adds first class Photoshop PSD documents support to Windows Explorer, with full metadata exposed!

The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack installed on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
(click to enlarge)

Photoshop PSD thumbnails and previews for Windows 8.x Desktop, Windows 8.x Desktop, Windows 7, Windows Vista and XP SP3.

Our Photoshop PSD decoder supports all current versions and editions of Windows, including 64-bit. It provides thumbnails in Windows Explorer for Photoshop PSD and PhotoDeluxe PDD files starting from Windows XP SP3 all the way to Windows 8.x Desktop.

Additionally, from Windows Vista and later, our product enables previewing in Windows Explorer as well as large-size viewing in Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Photo Gallery and other Windows Imaging Components applications.


This Photoshop PSD codec is part of our FastPictureViewer Codec Pack product, which contains decoders for several other image formats, as well as raw formats decoders for more than 400 digital camera models. All components are optional and can be individually opted out during setup.

The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack is an industry-leading collection of image decoders for Windows, trusted by hundreds of thousands of users worldwide, from individuals to Fortune 500 companies such as Electronic Arts (the largest game software producer in the world), Sony Online Entertainment and other large game studios like Blizzard Entertainment, Hidden Path Entertainment and many more. Our product is known for its faultless stability and performance.

Choose your license, from $14.99 $9.99:
Download link provided automatically by email after license purchase.

The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack is available at a single low price per user. Future 3.x updates are included. Site license discounts are available, starting from 3 users!

See our main product page for a full product description. As alternatives to PayPal, this product can be purchased through the following resellers:

Buy license from Avangate
Buy license from RegNow / Digital River

Microsoft BizSpark Startup
Axel Rietschin Software Developments is a
Microsoft BizSpark Startup company.

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Axel Rietschin Software Developments is a
Microsoft Registered Partner.

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Axel Rietschin Software Developments is a Software Industry Professionals member.